Wednesday, 6 April 2011


From the book 'Mysteries of the Inner Self' - this image connected with me and so I just copied it, using the dry brushing technique it looked as though the psychic artist had used, though it could have been chalk.

Have just started the second care home doing memory books and it is going great already, and it gives me even more experience to go for a more permanent NHS (ironically here I could end up working for the NHS again, but in my own way...) funded community artist which is like a dream job getting to care and teach and actually enjoy it too. I've also begun a large wall mural... step by step photos to follow!!

Off to the Lake District in about a week with Psy for my birthday :) Gonna head up there and see where the wind takes us and baked beans for my birthday meal!! I can't think of anywhere I'd rather be than in the middle of nowhere, completely insignificant, lost in the mind, without distraction and free.

We shall talk when we return.

Me and Si :)

Just how handsome is this boy??


Lots of dogs commission from before Christmas..


Painting of Jimi for my hubby :)