Sunday, 29 November 2009


My website homepage design... selected elements will be slightly bolder to indicate what to click on. Different things will link to different pages on the website e.g. gallery, shop, influences etc.

Christmas card competition

Ok, so I've got my compositions sorted for the anthropomorphic drawings... I just need to experiment and choose a medium to work in. This week we got an internal competition to design a christmas 'e-card' using college colours (green red and blue, barf) so designed a cheesy and promotional card that I'm sure the college will love :) Not my style but they are the clients... I've uploaded inital sketches and once it's done, the final design.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

More postcards...

Anthropomorphic study initial sketches and ideas...

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated :)

New postcards as you can see... keep them coming.
Coming up - initial sketches in the anthropomorphic study... going very well so far, just need to decide on a medium. More experimenting needed.

Taking a look at competitions such as YCN and internal Christmas card competition. More on that soon.

Monday, 23 November 2009

Saturday, 14 November 2009


After discussions with 'The Man', I have come to realise that this project may have reached it's limit. Of course, these postcards are individual pieces of art and will all (including postcards to come) published in a book. Though the aim of creating new art work from all the information collected, is unfortunately, not the direction this can go in. For now, I will be concentrating on my other self initiated projects; beginning with the study into characteristic similarities between humans and animals. Initial sketches and ideas will be posted soon, as well as postcards as and when they are recieved :)

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Some of the responses so far :)

Others beliefs...

  • Subjectivists believe life varies from person to person, depending on one's variable mental state.
  • Existentialists believe each man and woman create the essence of their life. It is not determined by any supernatural God; one is free.
  • Absurdism understands life to be the desire for order, meaning, and purpose, though the universe is indifferent and meaningless.
  • Many religions believe that the main purpose is to serve God, though Judaism and Islam say this life is merely preparation for the afterlife.
For my final major project in the Hull School of Art and Design, I have distributed over 500 postcards across the region, and set this as a live assignment in a local college. I asked for people to share their beliefs, experiences, dreams and understanding of life and their life. With no limits in creativity and no right or wrong answers, I looked forward to very interesting results. Postcards recieved up to now will be posted a.s.a.p. :) Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

A Study into the Meaning of Life...

Biologically, our purpose in life is to procreate. Individually, we create our own perceptions of life's value and meaning. The meaning of life constitutes a philosophical question of human existence or biological life in general. A different approach is the question, "What is the meaning of my life?". This is a question many people ask themselves during their lives, most in the context "What is the purpose of my life?", which is essentially a different question entirely. Many people like to assign a reason why they were here... and often this is defined by the job of that person. Of course religious conceptions of existence are also a common belief.

For me, this year has been particularly eventful to say the least; from deaths in the family to love lost and gained, to yet another car crash and a stint in jail. It certainly put my life into perspective and such events lead me to question my time. With a such moment of clarity, I feel very lucky and as a result, want to invite other people to question life and it's potential.